Thursday, July 2, 2009

Equal = Equal

I would like to touch upon another topic that causes me great concern, at least I’m very confused about it to say the least. The subject of equality between the sexes has always puzzled me. I believe there should be equality between men and women and that anyone can do anything they want, regardless of sex, creed, or IQ scores. All anyone needs is the will to succeed. The old saying goes, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” This holds true in any situation if you think about it. Men and women alike have gone against all odds in very unfavorable circumstances to achieve the impossible. When a mother protects her children, when a person lifts a car off of another in need, and even when a seemingly unmotivated kid suddenly studies hard for an exam and aces it. All anyone has to do is apply themselves and they can achieve anything. With respect to gender equality, then why is it that there is still bias? It’s not because of gender that a certain individual can do better on an exam, but it is because that individual either worked harder or understands the material better. Originally, when I read the beliefs of feminism, I agreed with them. There should be equality in the world and men and women should be treated equally. In a world filled with talented, educated, and understanding people, how can hatred, bias, and inequality exist? We may say that the world is a troubled place with a lot of problems, but recognizing there’s a problem is only the first step. What must be done is people should take action. Actions speak louder than words. I implore you all to take the initiative and do the right thing. Wherever there is hatred, misogyny, or racism; people should stand up and say, “No.” This is everyones’ world and the change starts with each and every one of us. People say that the children are the future. What kind of future do you want? A world filled with hate or a world of understanding, equality, and respect? Things like honesty, dignity, respect, and reverence are not just words and should be shown to our children, and our childrens’ children, through our actions. In a world filled with so much knowledge, wisdom, and respect, there’s no reason why equality isn’t equal, but we can make it that way if we have the will to change.

Blog Rant

Blog. What is a blog? It sounds like something you'd find on the bottom of your shoe. I, believe it or not, don't have anything interesting to say except what the hell? I probably was going to say something witty right here and make you all laugh senselessly, but I forgot where I was going with this. Haven't any of you realized that blog spelled backwards is glob? Glob of what? A glob of shit? That's right, the next time you're in the bathroom on the toilet and you pick up your phone, you can tell your friend that your blogging. Who invented this word anyway? It's not like we have enough senseless words in the English language, now we have blog. Try using blog in a sentence and not being looked at weird. Internet conversation is meant for the Internet. That's why, when over a friend's house, you shouldn't say LOL, convo, LMAO, or any other phrase that people use on the internet while actually talking. Of course we all know what they mean, but do we really want to hear them coming out of your mouth? No. By the way, what the hell were we talking about before? Oh yea, blogs. There are so many other useless words out there that should have gone a long time ago that could have made room for blog, like pluvial or hotbox. Look them up, there seriously is a word in the dictionary called hotbox and no, it doesn't mean what you think it means. Try using either of those words in a sentence and see how many people will just look at you quizzically because they have no idea what those words mean. They're a waste of ink and paper in the dictionary and should have been thrown out before we were introduced to the word blog. In the end, it doesn't really matter what blog means. We can make up words all day and attach meanings to them if we want, so why not make up blog?